Find an Illinois Graduate Fellow

Graduate Fellowships offered through the Mayo Clinic & Illinois Alliance provide a strategic framework for Illinois doctoral students to work with Mayo Clinic and Illinois researchers on a project of mutual interest. Reach out to the Alliance to discuss matchmaking opportunities.

Apply for an Alliance Fellow

Connecting with an Illinois student through the graduate fellowship program offers Mayo Clinic researchers access to cutting-edge expertise and innovative thinking to advance your research.

  1. Confirm that your project aligns with the Alliance mission and review the Graduate Fellowship eligibility and financial support. Please note that Fellowships are limited.
  2. Contact the Alliance administrative team with a brief outline of your area of research and how a Graduate Fellow might help with one of your research questions.
  3. The Alliance administrative team will investigate with Illinois researchers who may have a student suitable for your opportunity and contact you with further details.

The Alliance team will work with you to determine a funding source for the fellowship stipend. Limited funds may be available through Mayo Clinic sources via application, or a Mayo Clinic investigator may use their own research funds. Other costs, including tuition, are covered by Illinois.

Alliance Administrative Team

Deborah Miller, M.S.
Assistant Director for Clinical Partnerships, Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 

LeaAnn Carson, M.S.
Clinical Partnerships Manager, Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 

Leila Jones, Ph.D.
Operations Manager, Center for Individualized Medicine, Mayo Clinic 

Jeremy Zacher, M.Ed.
Education Program Manager, Center for Individualized Medicine, Mayo Clinic

Contact the Alliance